
believe if there is a will of course there is a way,,,!!!

Minggu, 02 September 2012

kak Andy Arsyil Rahman >> tak hanya cakap luarnya saja ternyata ^_^

let it be motivation for you >> putri,,,FIGHTIIING ;D

Andi Arsyil Rahman Putra (lahir di Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan, 15 September 1987; umur 24 tahun) adalah seorang aktor Indonesia. Arsyil adalah anak kelima dari tujuh bersaudara, putra pasangan Prof.Dr.Ir.H.Andi Rahman Mappangaja M.S dan Ir.Yusnidar Yusuf. Kariernya di dunia entertainment sebenarnya telah ia mulai sejak ia bermain dalam sinetron "Ngaca Dong!" bersama Catherine Wilson dan menjadi model video klip artis-artis lokal di Makassar.
Akan tetapi, sosoknya mulai dikenal masyarakat luas setelah ia berhasil lolos audisi dan memerankan dengan baik, tokoh Furqon dalam film Ketika Cinta Bertasbih yang kisahnya diangkat dari novel best-seller (dengan judul yang sama) karya Habiburrahman El-Shirazy. Ketika itu, Arsyil hanya memiliki bekal dalam bidang modeling dan tidak pernah mengikuti teater.
Arsyil, dengan manajemen waktu yang baik, berhasil menempuh pendidikan S1-nya di 3 perguruan tinggi sekaligus, yaitu fakultas MIPA jurusan Fisika/Program Studi Geofisika, Fakultas Ekonomi jurusan Manajemen Ekonomi (lulus 2010), dan Fakultas Teknik jurusan Teknik Informatika Program Studi Teknik Informatika (lulus 2010). Saat ini, Arsyil sedang melanjutkan studinya ke jenjang Master (S2).
Prinsip hidupnya yang sederhana, ditambah karakter kuatnya sebagai pembelajar yang pantang menyerah dengan dilandasi kekukuhan spiritualitas membuatnya meraih banyak prestasi di umurnya yang terbilang muda. Arsyil sering mendapatkan predikat juara kelas dan meraih beasiswa atau prestasi di berbagai lomba. Di antaranya juara III Lomba Fisika "The Most Creative Student Award" dan peserta Olimpiade Fisika kota Makassar. Ia juga pernah menjadi siswa berprestasi, Duta pariwisata kota Makassar (2007), Duta Kawasaki (2007), ikon salah satu mall di Makassar, dan berbagai macam prestasi di bidang pendidikan dan entertainment. Ia pun pernah dinobatkan sebagai salah satu Tokoh Berkepribadian Pembangunan (TBP) 2011 dan Duta "International Youth Forum On Climate Change" (IYFCC) pada tahun yang sama.
Dengan motto hidupnya : " Tulislah apa yang engkau baca dan bacalah apa yang engkau tulis. Berbagilah sebanyak mungkin dan pertanggungjawabkanlah kehidupan ini" , kini Arsyil berhasil berkarya dalam dunia kepenulisan dengan mengeluarkan 2 buku motivasi mengenai kehidupan.
Buku pertamanya "Life is Miracle" (Menangkap Pesan Luar Biasa dari Setiap Keping Kejadian) terbit pada Oktober 2010 dan merupakan karya bersamanya dengan dua penulis lain, yaitu Anneke Putri dan Ahmad Faris. Buku ini membahas tentang kehidupan manusia dan bagaimana kita memandang setiap keping kejadian dalam kehidupan sebagai suatu proses dan hikmah. Buku terbitan Ufuk Publishing House ini memuat 45 kisah inspiratif. Dimana masing-masing kisahnya mengandung kekuatan motivasi untuk seseorang berbuat lebih baik dan bepikir positif. Buku ini mengajak setiap pembacanya memandang setiap untaian peristiwa melalui kacamata pembelajaran.
Sukses mendapat tempat di hati pembacanya, Arsyil kemudian melahirkan buku keduanya yang berjudul "EURECLE!" (Anda dan Setiap Manusia Adalah KEAJAIBAN). Buku inspiratifnya ini baru saja launching 10 Juli 2011 lalu di acara Jakarta Book Fair, Istora Senayan. Yang berbeda dari karyanya kali ini adalah ia menulis sendiri dan dengan memakan proses yang cukup panjang, yaitu selama dua tahun lebih. Buku EURECLE ini menjadi manis dan menarik dibaca karena adanya racikan sains, filosofi, kaidah kehidupan, dan nilai-nilai Ketuhanan yang begitu terasa dan bercampur menjadi satu dengan pemaparan yang dikemas begitu ringan namun bermakna. Eurecle telah berhasil memancangkan dengan kuat konsep bahwa setiap manusia memiliki keajaibannya masing-masing. Menurutnya setiap manusia memiliki (to have) kemampuan untuk menjadi (to be).
Arsyil terakhir bekerja sebagai Leader Personal Representative di sebuah perusahaan swasta yang bergerak di bidang jasa telekomunikasi. Sekarang, selain di dunia entertainment, kesibukan yang ia jalani adalah mengembangkan berbagai bisnis, menjadi consultant salah satu perusahaan swasta, pembicara, dan narasumber di berbagai acara, baik di bidang pendidikan, pengembangan diri, maupun manajemen. Ia juga sering mengisi pengajian di beberapa lembaga pemasyarakatan, instansi-instansi pemerintah dan swasta.
Hobi pengagum Albert Einstein ini bermacam-macam, mulai dari membaca, traveling, olahraga, bermain musik, berbisnis, berdiskusi, dan menulis. Terbukti dari beberapa hobinya tersebut kini mendatangkan manfaat bagi orang lain.

source: http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andi_Arsyil_Rahman

Senin, 13 Agustus 2012

awaaawwww,,,,?!!my eyes opened suddenly coz his action >> Alex Pettyfer

still young like me ^_^
Alexander Richard "Alex" Pettyfer (born 10 April 1990) is an English actor and model


      Late one night, 14 year old Alex Rider finds out from a police officer that his uncle has died from a car accident. He hears from the officer that if he had been wearing a seatbelt, his uncle might have had a chance at survival, which doesn't make sense to him because his uncle is a very careful person. Throughout the first few chapters, Alex discovers little clues that point to a different death, including bullet holes in the windshield, and his uncle's boss appearing at his funeral with a handgun.
    A little later on, Alex is called down to his uncle's work building to talk about his uncle's will with one of the employees.  When he leaves for a moment, Alex finds this to be his perfect chance to do some investigating. He decides to sneak into his uncle's office and look at some of his documents, but he is caught and shot with a tranquilizer gun.
    When Alex wakes up, he finds himself in a strange building. He finds his uncle's boss, Alan Blunt, who begins to explain the situation to Alex. Alex finds out that his uncle didn't work for a bank, but as a spy for British top secret intelligence agency, MI6, and that Alex is inside one of their training centers. Alex is then told of the mission his uncle was working on. He is briefed about a man named Herod Sayle, and that he is working on a computer system called the Stormbreaker, which he is going to donate thousands of them to schools all across England. Alex is forced to work for MI6 to investigate the production of the Stormbreakers, because it seems suspicious that he is donating so many. He will be going as Felix Lester, a boy who won a contest to take a tour of the Stormbreaker production and be the first to test the Stormbreaker system.
    Alex is given two weeks to begin training at the MI6 training facility. During the training, he is pushed to the limits by the tests he must take, and is constantly harassed by the other people in training. He eventually finishes his training, and is sent back to be given some special items to help him out during his mission.
    Soon later, Alex is sent to Sayle Enterprises. Alex quickly makes his first mistake by telling Sayle to call him Alex instead of Felix. After meeting a few of the employees, Alex goes to bed. The next morning, he is called down to begin testing the Stormbreaker. After testing for a few hours, Alex decides to start sneaking around, but he is quickly caught though. After some more investigating, Alex discovers Herod's plan from his own investigations, and some clues left behind by his uncle. Herod plans to infect all of the school children with smallpox hidden inside the computer systems.
    When his plan is discovered, Herod attempts to kill Alex, but fails, and Alex sneaks into a helicopter heading for where Herod is going. Alex manages to stop Herod just in time, with the help of former enemy Yassen Gregorovich.

Kamis, 05 Juli 2012

DA assigment as final test

NUR HAJAH HANINGRUM (N)                                    A320090236
PUTRI NILAM RAHMATIN (P)                                      A320090248
                The conversation is between Putri (P) and Ningrum (N). They meet in the boarding house on the afternoon after having lecture in the campus. They sit down together in Ningrum’s room, and talk about having lunch.
1.       P: Hallo Ningrum!
2.       N: Hai ::
3.       P: Today is very HOT, isn’t it?
4.       N: Yes :: I think so
5.       P: (mmh) wait wait wait what time is it now?
6.       N: (mmh) wait wait wait a (( look at the watch)) 1 o’clock //pm
7.       P:                                                                                                            //pm (oya) [        ]
8.       P:  (A) (0,2) My  stomach is singing i’m very HUNGry  today!
9.       N: yes ::: i think (a)(0,2) my (0,3) stomach is very hungry too.
10.   P: so, how about (mmh) we have lunch together?
11.   N: yes ok, where is it?
12.   P: (o,5) i don’t have any idea? How about you?
13.   N: (omh) ((thinking))  (0,7) let’s go to Mr. Bagong, there is a delicious food from Wonogiri, mie ayam? [                             ]
14.   P: ((laughing)) mie Ayam? [                         ] (OW) OK OK OK //OK
15.   N:                                                                                                              //OK ::
16.   P: Let’s GO!
17.   N: Let’s GO!

1.       Describe characteristic participants of the conversation?
-           Putri Nilam R
She is an active speaker, she always over acting and expressive in her utterances. She says something quickly in the conversation. It seems on the utterances number 3 and number 8. She gives stressed for the word “HOT” and “HUNGry”.
-          Nur Hajah H
She is little passive speaker. She always thinks too long time before answer the questions, such in the utterance of number 13. Just little different with Putri, Ningrum is a calm girl it shows by the utterances that are very low, for example in the utterances of number 9.
2.       Explain 5 aspects marked!
-          For the utterances number 13, there are two aspects:
a.       (omh) ((Thinking)) it’s called as backchannels.
        Backchannel means mark about nonverbal utterances in the conversation.
b.      (0, 7) it’s call as pause.
From the aspects above we know that Ningrum needs time to think about the answer of Putri’s question, so there is a pause for seven second in the middle of utterance.
-          Second utterance by Ningrum shows that there is aspect of lengthening :: , because Ningrum says  by long sound in the ending.
-          Sixth and seventh utterances have overlap // mark, when Putri and Ningrum said p.m at the same time in the conversation.
-          High consideration is in the third utterance; “HOT” with the capital letters it shows that speaker wants to make sure that the day is very hot, so she stressed the word in the conversation.
3.       Structure of Conversation

a.       Adjency Pairs
-          P: Hallo Ningrum!
N: Hai ::
-          P: Question
N: Answer

-          P: (mmh) wait wait wait what time is it now?
N: (mmh) wait wait wait a (( look at the watch)) 1 o’clock //pm
 P: Question
N: Answer          
-          P: so, how about (mmh) we have lunch together?
N: yes ok, where is it?
-          P: Question
-          N: Answer
        (she answers it then makes question in order to make clear about the place)

-          P: (o,5) i don’t have any idea? How about you?
N: (omh) ((thinking))  (0,7) let’s go to Mr. Bagong, there is a delicious food from Wonogiri, mie ayam? [                             ]
P: ((laughing)) mie Ayam? [                         ] (OW) OK OK OK //OK
-          P: Question
(asking opinion)
N: Answer
       (invite by giving opinion)
P: Question
       (at first she is shocked about the invitation and then she accepts it)

Jumat, 20 April 2012



DA Assignment 2
Writing Summary by Fitri Nurwiyanti

An article in Campus magazine entitled “Publics Participation For Education” by Miftakhul Khoiri presents the first school Taman Siswa built by Ki Hajar Dewantara. Education paradigm is growing in Indonesia to fulfill the sprit of education these days. Citizens should get competent education. Education is responsibility by government and the side of private sector individual and group. Because of limited cost, the government opens the opportunity for public to participate and develop business education such as; building opening schools, courses, or skill education with facilities more complete and better than government schools. Supported by complete and good facilities make this school rather expensive because it also promises the good management on its education.
Indonesia has pesantren as education system (Islamic boarding house models). It is classified into two models: First Traditional, it does not collect the payment from the students and students can stay and study freely. They study about Islamic science for the sake of individual and public. The traditional pesantren still be one choice by our society under class social. Second, Modern pesantren collects the payment of the students because it gives more ability and knowledge for students. They do not only study about Islam but also other sciences like Biology, Mathematics, Economics, Physics, Language and Art. They are prepared to face the era that always changes.
Without being realized the friction traditional pesantren could happened from motivation of organizer and management of existing education. To get the good education with their equipment of facility they perform forced the citizen get dealing with power of bargain and faces the reality of expensive school and that also is for rich man children. Poor people who have not the purchasing power to bargain they will lose their formal education. Government and private sector individually and group have big homework to repair their education inspect that aims on making organization of education.
I agree with the writer who says that about publics participation for education is important. He says that the education not only managed by government, but also the society has contribution of build education together, about how they create good education, both the facilities, system and soon. The government should think that all the society level can enjoy education reasonably. Moreover, to get good education with equipment of facility they perform to force the citizen get the power of bargain and faces the reality of expensive school and that also is for rich man children. I think that the middle society should optimalize brilliant brain to be able to complete with others. The writer says that the poor people who have not the purchasing power to bargain they will lose their formal education. I think that this statement is true. The government and the private school should really provide scholarship for the students who have competence to enjoy education.      

Analysis of cohesion  :
Writing Summary by Fitri Nurwiyanti
1.      An article in Campus magazine entitled “Publics Participation For Education” by Miftakhul Khoiri presents the first school Taman Siswa built by Ki Hajar Dewantara.
In the sentence 1 “an article” replace of “Publics Participation For Education” it is called substitution of noun. In sentence 1 before “present” it should be “that” to emphasize of who is the present of the first school Taman Siswa it is called ellipsis. In sentence 1 “taman siswa” refers to Ki Hajar Dewantara called synonymy. Repetition of “by” (sentence 1). “first” is called temporal conjunction to show the events in the text (sentence 1).

2.      Education paradigm is growing in Indonesia to fulfill the sprit of education these days.
In sentence 2 “education paradigm” replace “Indonesia” called substitution of noun. In sentence 2 “these” as replacement of the day where education paradigm is growing called comparative reference.
3.      Citizens should get competent education.
In sentence 3 “component education” as clausal ellipsis that presents the component education what.
4.      Education is responsibility by government and the side of private sector individual and group.
Here “and” signals the presentation of additional information called additive conjunction (sentence 4).
5.      Because of limited cost, the government opens the opportunity for public to participate and develop business education such as; building opening schools, courses, or skill education with facilities more complete and better than government schools.
In this type “because of” of conjunction, the relationship is one of cause and consequence and it can be called hypotactic conjunction (sentence 5). Repetition of “education”, “open”, “school”, “government” (sentence 5).  Here “and” signals the presentation of additional information called additive conjunction (sentence 5). Collocation of “school”, “course”, “education” (sentence 5).
6.      Supported by complete and good facilities make this school rather expensive because it also promises the good management on its education.
“supported (0)” is meant to what the supported is pointed (sentence 6). The pointed of business education, it is called demonstrative reverence (sentence 6). “this” change of the business education in sentence 5 which complete and good facilities (sentence 6). “it” replace by “complete and good facilities” called substitution of noun (sentence 6). In sentence 6 “its” changes of develop business education in sentence 5 called substitution of verb. Repetition of “good” (sentence 6). In this type “because” of conjunction, the relationship is one of cause and consequence and it can be called hypotactic conjunction (sentence 6).
7.       Indonesia has pesantren as education system (Islamic boarding house models).
The synonymy “pesantren” to “education system” (sentence 7)
8.      It is classified into two models: First Traditional, it does not collect the payment from the students and students can stay and study freely.
“it” replace by “education system” in sentence 7 called anaphoric reference which pesantren (sentence 8). “first” is called temporal conjunction to show the events in the text (sentence 8). “it” replace by “ traditional pesantren” called anaphoric reference which pesantren (sentence 8). Here “and” signals the presentation of additional information called additive conjunction (sentence 8). Repetition of “student” (sentence 8). “can stay (0)” is meant to whom that stay, it can be meant stay of the traditional method (sentence 8).
9.      They study about Islamic science for the sake of individual and public.
Here “and” signals the presentation of additional information called additive conjunction (sentence 9). “they” refers to “pesantren”, it is anaphoric reference which emphasize to the backward (sentence 9).
10.  The traditional pesantren still be one choice by our society under class social.
“one choice” replace by “the traditional pesantren” in sentence 7 called substitution of noun (sentence 10).
11.  Second, Modern pesantren collects the payment of the students because it gives more ability and knowledge for students.
“second” is called temporal conjunction to show the events in the text (sentence 11). In this type “because” of conjunction, the relationship is one of cause and consequence and it can be called hypotactic conjunction (sentence 11). it” replace by “ modern pesantren” called anaphoric reference which pesantren (sentence 11). Here “and” signals the presentation of additional information called additive conjunction (sentence 11).
12.  They do not only study about Islam but also other sciences like Biology, Mathematics, Economics, Physics, Language and Art.
“not only but also” is called subordinate conjunction (sentence 12). “science” consisting of Biology, Mathematics, Economics, Physics, Language and Art, is called general word reiteration. Here “and” signals the presentation of additional information called additive conjunction (sentence 12). “they” refers to “pesantren”, it is anaphoric reference which emphasize to the backward (sentence 12).
13.  They are prepared to face the era that always changes.
“that” explain the meant before is the purpose of preparing, it can called be hypotactic conjunction (sentence 13). “they” refers to “biology, mathematics, physics etc”, it is anaphoric reference which emphasize to the backward (sentence 13).
14.  Without being realized, the friction could happen from motivation of organizer and management of existing education.
“that” explain the meant before is the purpose of preparing, it can called be hypotactic conjunction (sentence 14). “without(0)” emphasize to the change of the era, it is called ellipsis (sentence 14). Here “and” signals the presentation of additional information called additive conjunction (sentence 12). Friction(0) of the free of traditional pesantren, it is ellipsis.
15.  To get the good education with their equipment of facility they perform forced the citizen get dealing with power of bargain and faces the reality of expensive school and that also is for rich man children.
Here “and” “also” signals the presentation of additional information called additive conjunction (sentence 15).  Repetition of “get” (sentence 15). “that” explain the meant before is the purpose of preparing, it can called be hypotactic conjunction (sentence 15). 
16.  Poor people who have not the purchasing power to bargain they will lose their formal education.
Antonyms of poor people vs. rich man in sentence 16. “they” refers to “poor people to power of bargaining”, it is anaphoric reference which emphasize to the backward (sentence 16).
17.  Government and private sector individually and group have big homework to repair their education inspect that aims on making organization of education.
Here “and” signals the presentation of additional information called additive conjunction (sentence 17).  “that” explain the meant before is the purpose of preparing, it can called be hypotactic conjunction (sentence 17).  “their”the poor people, it is both of anaphoric and cataphoric reference, poor and rich man.
18.  I agree with the writer who says that about publics participation for education is important.
“that” explain the meant before is the purpose of preparing, it can called be hypotactic conjunction (sentence 18). “that(0)” it meant of the writer in the zero ellipsis (sentence 18).   I as anaphoric reference especially fitri. The writer as miftakhul as anaphoric reference.
19.  He says that the education not only managed by government, but also the society who has contribution to build education together, about how they create good education, both the facilities, system and soon.
“not only but also” is called subordinate conjunction (sentence 19). “he” is points to before pronoun of the writer, it can be called anaphoric reference (sentence 19).  Synonymy of build and created (sentence 19). Repetition of education (sentence 19) to stress its importance. “that” explain the meant before is the purpose of preparing, it can called be hypotactic conjunction (sentence 19). He as anaphoric reference as miftakhul.
20.  The government should think that all the society level can enjoy education reasonably.
“that” explain the meant before is the purpose of preparing, it can called introductory clause (sentence 20).
21.   Moreover, to get good education with equipment of facility they perform to force the citizen get the power of bargain and faces the reality of expensive school and that also is for rich man’s children.
“moreover” is called temporal conjunction to show the events in the text are related in terms of the timing of their occurrence (sentence 21). “they” refers to “government and private sector” it is anaphoric reference (sentence 21). Repetition of “get” (sentence 21). Here “and” “also” signals the presentation of additional information called additive conjunction (sentence 21). 
22.  I think that the middle society should optimalize brilliant brain to be able to compete with others.
23.  23)  The writer says that the poor people who have not the purchasing power to bargain they will lose their formal education.
“that” explain the meant before is the purpose of preparing, it can called be hypotactic conjunction (sentence 23). “they” refers to “the poor people” it is anaphoric reference which emphasize to a previously mentioned entity (sentence 23).
24.  I think that this statement is true.
“that” explain the meant before is the purpose of preparing, it can called be hypotactic conjunction (sentence 22). “true(0)” it points to true statement, so it is ellipsis (sentence 24).
25.  The government and the private school should really provide scholarship for the students who have competence to enjoy education.
Here “and” signals the presentation of additional information called additive conjunction (sentence 21).